Hy-Vee Newton

brand awareness

Come once for the deals. Come back for the feels.


Hy-Vee Newton is an employee-owned supermarket located in the heart of Newton, Iowa. It’s a full-service supermarket with a Market Cafe, bakery, delicatessen, floral department, dine-in and carryout food service, wine and spirits, pharmacy, HealthMarket, and Starbucks.


In an always-on world, social media has become an important touch point in the customer experience. Yes, even in the frozen foods aisle. In order to stay connected with their price-conscious audience, Hy-Vee embraced brand storytelling through social channels.

our approach

Taking fans behind the counter and beyond the name tag.

steals and deals

The bottom line: Hy-Vee Newton has the best deal in town. A constant stream of (creative) cost-focused content made that value proposition crystal clear.

consumer education

Price conscious and always on the go, we showed a young generation of shoppers how Hy-Vee can give them solutions to maximize their time and dollar.

human storytelling

As a new chain in a small town, it takes a familiar face to win the trust of the locals. We shined the spotlight on Hy-Vee’s passionate employees to remind people there’s a smile in every aisle.

We were thrilled with the work that DSL provided and
look forward to working with them again in the future.

our impact

DSL came out of the gate with an updated content strategy, and growth came quick. We saw a +22.7% lift in new Newton-area fans and +20.9% lift in engaged users in our first three months. Overall between July and January, we helped grow Hy-Vee’s healthy Facebook audience by +63.4%. The case for social was sealed.

Ready to grow? We’re ready to go.

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